Monday 5 December 2011

Assignment 1 - Final

Ruth Sue Poh Ling

Reference Picture

Here's the 720 by 480 rendered output:
My Apple:


Surface Breakdown

Displacement breakdown

Break Everything Down:

Green portion: combination of 3 type of noises, a ramp was used
to make the green appear at the top portion of the apple.
 Shifted the apple down to get the desired result as well.
 A color mix to make the red and green together nicely.   

Here's how the ramp looks like. Black to green,
meaning from nothing to green that is appearing
 on top of the apple. 

Using "Softdots" for the white polka dots. "Pulsetrain" node to blur the dots.  

"Turbnoise" node for the irregular noise pattern. Ramp to control the color of apple. 

Blending of red and green via Spline Ramp

Specular and Reflectivity

Shader view for Displacement Node:

Shader View for the "Red Apple Node":


Final Output Plus Comparsion:
(Left- My apple; Right Reference Apple

Till then. ^^  

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